As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, Imperial is taking proactive and preventative measures to protect the health and safety of our workforce and do our part to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community. The company has well-established business continuity plans in place to manage impacts related to infectious disease outbreaks. Read more

jet terminal overhead picture

Sarnia Product Pipeline replacement update  

In our last issue we shared information about the planned replacement of our Sarnia Products Pipeline. The pipeline is important infrastructure that allows Imperial to provide products used by households and businesses across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area, including a large percentage of the jet fuel used at Pearson International Airport.

Since the last issue, Imperial has submitted a Leave to Construct application to the Ontario Energy Board. This includes a thorough assessment of the project’s environmental effects and engagement with landowners, communities and indigenous groups. This application and supporting materials can be accessed on the OEB’s application page.

The key milestones and opportunities for participation in the Leave to Construct process include:

process for the pipleline

Leave to Construct is the overarching application for the process that, subject to all regulatory reviews, permits and approvals being granted, would see construction begin in late 2019 and completion by the end of 2020.

In addition to this process, Imperial is working collaboratively with a broad range of local, provincial and federal entities on other permits and approvals related to the project.

We do not anticipate supply impacts to our customers during construction. Given the critical importance of the pipeline to the Greater Toronto and Hamilton areas, we have plans in place to continue meeting our supply commitments during short periods when the line will be out of service.

FuelEase will keep you up to date with key milestones and exciting insights into the project as it happens.

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